In the year 2015, the inaugural collaboration between Teamwork and the Parisian architect studio Rodolpho Parente marked the genesis of a distinctive venture. The objective: to conceive and bring to life exclusive rhomboid-shaped ceramic tiles, destined to adorn the interior of the new Yeeels Restaurant-bar at 24 Avenue George V in Paris.
Teamwork, in its creative prowess, delivered three-dimensional tiles distinguished by precious metal finishes. These tiles, strategically employed to cover the interior walls, seamlessly integrate into the glamorous and modern aesthetic envisioned by the renowned French architect. Beyond functionality, the bespoke rhomboid-shaped ceramics serve as a testament to the marriage of innovation and style, elevating the ambiance of Yeeels to a realm of refined sophistication.
Client | Yeeels |
Designer | Rodolpho Parente |
Product | Bespoke Rhomboid-Shaped Tiles |
Location | Paris, France |